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2 minutes read                                                                                                                         Beginner

Triggers in Glific are used to start a flow with specific contacts in a collection at a scheduled time. Triggers can be used for scheduling periodic tasks and automatically sharing them with required beneficiaries.

Create a Trigger

1 . Go to Quick Tools and find Triggers tab from left panel

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 08 32 PM

2 . Click on +Createbutton.

3 . Fill the details of the Add a New Trigger form

a. Select flow - Select the flow from the dropdown you want to execute.

b. Start Date - Select the date from when you want to start a flow.

c. End Date - Select the end date, when you want the trigger will expire.

d. Time - Select a time of the day, when you want to execute the flow.

e. Repeat - Select the options if you want to repeat the flow.

  • Does not repeat

  • Daily

  • Weekly

f. Select days - Select a specific day if you choose weekly option.

g. Select Collection - Select the collection to which you want to execute the flow.

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  1. Click on Save button to save the Trigger.

  2. Verify the created trigger on Triggers page.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 10 38 PM

Verify Successful Execution of Trigger

  1. For verification of successful execution of the trigger, refer back to the chats and check how your defined message is triggered where time, date and message is being sent.

Delete the Trigger

  1. Click on three dots and select Delete to delete the trigger
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 11 01 PM
  1. Click on Confirm button to delete the trigger.
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 11 47 PM

Copy a Trigger

  1. Click on three dots and select Copy option on the trigger bar
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  1. Copy Triggerform will open up. Change the details you want and save the trigger.
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 13 30 PM
  1. New trigger will be created.

Deactivate the Trigger

  1. To deactivate the Tigger deselect the Is Activecheck box.
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4 14 09 PM
  1. Click on Save button to save the changes